Thursday, August 28, 2008

Paper plane

I can't wait to get my little paws on a copy of the movie 'Egde of love'
I love Keira Knightley so much! She is just so gorgeous.

Monday, August 25, 2008

So here we are

Quite lazy

I have been incredibly lazy the past couple of weeks.
I need something to put my mind back into gear but I can't find anything, so bare with my dear blog. I don't have any new outfit photos because I haven't been going anywhere, haha.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School Sports!

Today was a school sports day and my 'house' Loddon is the colour blue, so I dressed in me new blue jumper and put blue zinc on my face and hair! It was quite fun.

Oh and this is a bag I bought on the weekend!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Weekend wars

My weekend was great!
My parents and I travelled down to Geelong and I stayed at my brothers house on Friday night, on Saturday my parents, one of my brothers and I went shopping, Saturday night my parents, my brothers, my brothers girlfriend and I went out to tea, which was extremely amusing, and on Sunday my parents and I did a bit more shopping and then made our way back home!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I got a hand-me-down jacket from my brothers girlfriend & I think it's adorable!
I had to fix a couple of the buttons and i took in the cuffs/sleeves.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I bought some back tights with sparkles from Target.
I am very excited for this weekend because I am going down to Geelong to celebrate my brother, Nick's, 20th birthday. We are going out for dinner. The weekend will be of me getting new sneakers, hanging out with my brothers, playing Wii with them, having lots of food and a lot of laughs, and hopefully I will be able to persuade my parents to let me buy (with their money!) a new camera!


I love my new pyjama pants!


Just a few radom photo's of a couple of outfit's i guess.